Sunday, March 03, 2013

Fixed Fee Collaborative Law

We are excited to announce our Fixed Fee Collaborative Law Service.

Both lawyers have agreed to work for a fixed fee - they work together but from different firms so both you and your ex partner can benefit from this excellent deal.

The Collaborative Law process works with a series of round table meetings - they will take place in either Central London or Southampton.

The Collaborative Law process gives you control of the timing and outcome, reduces the acrimony and gives you the support of your solicitor in negotiations and legal advice.  It gives balance and all four participants are committed to achieving an outcome best suited to your family.

With Collaborative Law acrimony is reduced and things can progress swiftly - it is a less stressful solution than Court Proceedings or normal solicitor led negotiations and is not as nerve wracking or isolating as Mediation can be, especially if one party is less able to stand up to the other.

Most people who try Collaborative Law are relieved and pleased that they did.

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